The Mystery of Tony Levin

As a child, thoughtful about the war, peace, race, hope, justice, but not educated enough to know what my sensibilities meant in the long and windy world of argument and rhetoric, I just had some strong feelings about right and wrong, I spent a lot of time listening to music, as many people do, especially […]

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The Treachery of Spike Ole Lee

The Black leadership of the United States cut a deal agreeing to go along with the AIDS Onslaught as a strategic plan based on deception management in return for a piece of the action. This case is conclusive: a script exists, written in 1974, by those who released AIDS. Long premeditation and elite school education […]

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No Waste of Joy in the USA

It has become a practice to ignore my letters no matter how heavy they are, and this fact that been exhibited throughout a twenty five year ordeal of catastrophic ruination. Despite this fact, the issues have not changed. Political dissent, and the torture of political dissent, are an unusual species of occurrence not usually associated […]

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Deliverance of St. Injustice

Rather obviously as an insult directed at my deceased father, a lovely human being who went the road of educator, despite many Imperial forces offering him estate, after brutalizing me in a chopshop of horrific war on a child, the Bush/Clinton machine bequeathed me a colossus of cowardly fraud and demanded I own up to […]

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The Jellybean Escalator

The social history of the AIDS cabinet reveal that it was regarded as a shrewd and necessary business and political decision. The Federal Bureau of Investigation are perfectly content to allow it to transpire as an act of cultural piracy. Note that the letters of Gail Burstyn contained illegal homework, were clocked to U.S. Military […]

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The Morality of Nancy Reagan

History will discover that this is a serious article. My mother testified that Peter Gabriel wrote to me for three years and used me on the rock album SO, the outcome of which was Gabriel financing an attack prostitute named Rosa in a bid to depict me as character flawed in a performance art demonstration […]

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In The State of Pennsylvania, government-sponsored murder to my knowledge invariably starts with a sex overture.  Once the victim is bitten by the spider of shame, the venom of assassination is skillfully administered, and this sex-and-death wheel of fortune, authored from the highest Executive offices, provided what seemed to one lingering shadow of trauma a […]

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Playing Chicken with Illusion

That the AIDS Epidemic was a planned military operation is a study of specialized deceit that can only barely be discussed openly because of precautions taken by Berkeley University. Ramparts Magazine was notorious for its hallucinogenic tableaux and anti-war rhetoric yet its staff became the most noxious ultra-conservative led by David Horowitz and Noam Chomsky […]

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